Sending you all the love and warm hugs Ella, you've described this so perfectly.

As a chronically nervous and timid Eldest Daughter, I can confirm this was me post-university and through much of my twenties. It's really scary to be out there in the real world, entrusted with a job and watching as our friends all race towards different, dizzying milestones. It gets better, trust me, and the daily reminder that things always always works out really helps ❤️ (Always here for completely unsolicited big sis advice! 😂 )

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I am always here for your unsolicited big sis advice Michelle!! I'm so glad to hear you say it gets better, the chaos of finding your own feet is unlike anything I've ever experienced. Thank you for sharing your own experience, it's a big relief to realise I'm not the only one! 💗

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As someone with anxiety, this really resonated with me Ella! It was all so well said. I very much know what you mean when you wrote that you feel more comfortable in an anxious state than a calm state. I was like that for most of my life as well. It's only been in the past few years as I've grown and settled into my own skin that it's finally started to lift!

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Ella this is so relatable to me. My thoughts and anxiety are always racing and right now it’s scary to be an adult with no plan mobi g forward

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