This is deeply relatable. I’ve noticed that I’m speeding through every little thing lately, and I’m trying my best to take a bear whenever I can. Thank you for sharing ♥️

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Thank you for reading Shelby! I'm glad it resonated with you <3

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your writing always feels like a warm hug

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Sruthi this is the nicest comment ever

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Sep 11Liked by Ella

You have been on it with Substack Ella! I have been meaning to sit down and read all of your articles that I have missed because I'm so busy. This is the first of a few and I really enjoyed the nudge to autumn at the beginning. Seriously though how is your writing game so good!?

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Ahhh thank you so much Ciara!!! Hahaha it’s not consistent, I get bursts where I find myself writing 5 pieces in a week so I save them up to put out - this week I’ve had literally zero time to write so I scheduled these ones to go out ready. I wish I could consistently find inspo but I’m still working on that! ❤️

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Thank you so much for Ella for mentioning my article in your "Words I Loved This Week"—I’m truly honoured! I absolutely loved this post. Your description of autumn—the chill in the air, roast dinners in cosy pubs, and Harry Potter under a blanket—perfectly captures everything I love about the season too. It’s such a time for slowing down and embracing the small joys.

Your reflection on rushing really resonated with me. It’s so easy to fall into that trap of constantly pushing ourselves, even when the pressure is only coming from within. I really appreciate your insight on how slowing down can change everything. I’m inspired to do the same—especially with setting a goal for the month. "Slow down" feels like such a powerful and timely mantra.

I also love how you’ve made an effort to stay present during relaxation time. It’s funny how something as simple as putting your phone away can make such a difference, but it really does. I’m going to take that tip on board too! Wishing you all the best with your goals for the month and those calm, mindful moments.

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Kathryn 💗💗 thank you for such a goooorrrrgeous comment! I loved your piece. Can't wait to read even more!!

Putting pressure on ourselves is so unnecessary! We end up being our own worst enemies by not cutting ourselves some slack. I've had such a manic work week I've been chanting "slow down" in my head non stop!

So happy this resonated with you 🩵

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Love this so much Ella!! Every so often I catch myself just running around so frantically, trying to do a million things at once, and always try to take it as a reminder to slow down and breathe a bit!

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Thank you Madeline 🩵 I know, we can get so carried away with everything!

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Yes to a slower pace! I realised a few years ago that me delivering things on my pace (a.k.a. hours and days sooner than needed) wasn't making any difference to the overall timeline. So I slowed down. Now my work feels more meaningful since I'm taking more time. And I have the capacity to have a tea and special lil treat.

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Completely agree with this Michelle. Once we slow down we realise there was always time for it. When we're so frantic we always miss something, or in my case I spill something - slowing down is a game changer.

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Omg the spilling 😂 or the dropping of a phone and lipbalm 😭

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or the panic of "where's my phone?!" and it's in your hand 🙃

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My FAVOURITE time of the year !! Thank you so much for mentioning me in this lovely post 🫶

I'm a nightmare for doomscrolling, so I make sure to put my phone away or leave it somewhere if I'm watching a film or reading. I also love my regular cinema trips for this reason, because I have no choice but to pay attention!

Slowing down at work for me means getting up to get water or just taking my time - it's not always so easy but we have to remind ourselves we can't run at 100mph constantly. I'm also terrible for not socialising if I'm in a rush, so I make more of an effort to actually be present when I'm talking to colleagues!

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Couldn't not give the trio of golden gorgies the mention they deserve!!

It's the worst isn't it?! I put my phone upstairs the other night while I was watching TV and was appalled at how many times I reached to scroll. Working on that!

Ah I'm the same - I think we also forget that we work better and calmer when we let ourselves slow down.


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Sep 11Liked by Ella

Harry Potter season is here! I’ve also been more aware of my breathing, I just like to take a minute in that moment to re centre. Also snuggling my cat helps 🥲

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Ahh my fave time of year! It's so funny how we just go into autopilot and forget to breathe. It makes such a difference to stop for a sec!

With a cat as cute as yours I'm not surprised 🥹

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