Thank you for the mention, Ella! Great post--it's important to be transparent and remind others that life isn't all "sunshine and rainbows." (I like to say "puppies and rainbows" myself!)

I will be posting something soon for 20-somethings like you... things I know now that I wish I'd known then... The 20s can feel overwhelming but are meant to be enjoyed, so do not fret. You're doing great!

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Thank you so much for reading Petra!! I can't wait to read your post, definitely sounds like something I'll resonate with 💕

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A cricked next is enough to RUIN my week. I remember when I was learning to drive and I'd got a bad neck and my instructor kept telling me off for not checking my blind spots and I just wanted to cry 🤣

For what it's worth, I've never ever found your content to be "toxic positivity". It always puts a smile on my face but it never feels like I HAVE to be happy. Life isn't always about joy but it isn't always about sadness either - our moods fluctuate in the space of an hour and I don't think we can appreciate being happy without having our down days too, so I appreciate this Sad List today 🫶

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Cricked necks and driving is a HORRIFIC combination!! I think I'd have just cancelled.

Thank you Soph! I really appreciate that, I do get a bit hyper aware of making positive content but I genuinely do find it helpful! I'm so happy it puts a smile on your face, that's the best thing to hear ever.

Exactly! Life would be so bland if we just felt one thing, people aren't monotonous and that's what's so great about them.

This is such a thoughtful and kind comment, thank you so much Soph ❤️

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i agree, it’s good to focus on the positives but we shouldn’t negate the negatives, they’re just as important. i love the addition of the sad list, ella! ♥️

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Haha thank you Gloria! Right, without the negatives we wouldn't appreciate all the good! 😌

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Hi thank you for mentioning me!! Sad lists are so relatable

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Of course! Lots of love Izzy 💗

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Yes to full neck mobility!!

And god there's nothing worse than cereal dust 😂 I agree that things shouldn't always be painted as sunshines and rainbows, I'm definitely guilty of romanticising life and sharing my little joys lists, but there’s already so much grimness in life lately – sometimes focusing on the happy things is needed. It’s contagious after all ;)

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Full neck mobility needs to be treasured!

I'm the exact same, and I love romanticising everything. I totally agree that there's enough doom and gloom already, we need joy lists to make life more palatable! Thank you so much for reading Michelle 💗

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I actually loved the sad list. It made this feel very real and relatable because it so rare to see something other than the good highlights even though we all have lows too.

Thanks for mentioning my piece! Also, can’t wait to read a few of the others you mentioned too!

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Sad lists are necessary sometimes! They make me laugh. Loved your piece!! <3

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Lovely read! thanks for including me 💜 I hadn't read that bakeoff article before, glad you shared it!

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Thank you for reading Livvie!! Loved your piece. Can't wait to read more from you!

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