Okay, love this. In this exact moment, the song that comes to mind is 'Damaged' by Danity Kane, as I just listened to it the other day after such a long time and I was singing every word to the beat mindlessly, lol, but there are dozens more that can transport me.

I often say to my husband that I clearly am not going to be able to catch up with the music our son listens to when he gets older, because I listen to the same shit over and over again from 15 years ago LOL

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Ooh I've not heard that before! Will have to add it to my playlist. I love that feeling of being straight back to a happy place with the right music - can we cal that being present?

Hahaha I think I'll be the exact same, I completely understand why my parents only listen to music from the 80s now 😂 if it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Loved reading this!! 😍

My favourite was Justin’s Baby. 🤭

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A classic of our time!! 😍

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Jun 19Liked by Ella

I remember vibing to Duffy as a kid because my mum had the CD playing on repeat in the car. Warwick Avenue is and has always been a criminally underrated song!

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Yes!! What a throwback - I loved Mercy

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