ME??! Being mentioned!? I'm honored and googly eyed. Thank you SOO much Ella. I was immediately hooked in when I got to this part; "I think I felt present? I’m not completely confident because it’s rare that I am, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to be". - SAME. Even when I'm probably present, I'm thinking about whether I'm present enough, what a life!

If I have a morning where I can make myself breakfast, that is a damn exciting thing so I totally think it's worth mentioning. Your description of Slow Horses, a show I have never heard about but am now so interested. I couldn't finish The Walking Dead series because I became too attached to the characters and my heart would beat out of my chest. That sweater looks lovely and cozy and I have chocolate ice cream year round, ngl. I'm looking forward to your next one!!

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Ahh Kathleen!!! Your post was too good not to include.

That's what's so annoying about being present - you can't TRY and be present. It annoys me so much.

You HAVE to watch Slow Horses. Don't watch it to feel calm though, watch it when you want something gripping and the kids have gone to bed! Chocolate ice cream all year round 100%, might spice it up with some raspberry sorbet next week. Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment 💗

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Loved watching Mr Malcolm’s list, as you said it’s such a good film!! Can always trust you with movie recommendations ☺️. Also, very excited to bake some cakes and cookies from the book 🥰 thank you Ella 💗💗

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eee happy happy birthday!!! So happy you liked the film, I'll find more to send your way xx

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Eee thank you so much for including me in this! I've LOVED finding you on here! ❤️ Also I love that Adanola jumper and double also that Union Jack cushion is giving me majorrrr 2012 jubilee/royal wedding/Olympics PTSD 🤣

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You're so welcome - I've loved finding you too! Ahh YES it was the jubilee era! I think I lived on the only street in the UK that didn't have a street party haha

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