You always find a way to tackle topics with such sensitivity. Aid's mum has a saying: "What's for you will not go by you" and it has helped me through a LOT since first hearing it!

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What a compliment!! Thank you Soph 🥹 That’s one of my favourite quotes too, it’s so comforting. I also heard Jodie Comer say it’s her fave piece of advice so we’re in great company!!

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Definitely in good company!!

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as someone who struggles on this app to make connections and has struggled on social media as well, i needed this piece, thank you so much <3 it's so easy to compare yourself to other writers 'why isn't my prose like theirs' 'why aren't i getting the same attention' but i need to remind myself that i am me and i'm posting for people looking for people like me, not for everybody's attention. like you said it took sabrina 6 albums to achieve mainstream success and it might take that long to make it as a writer here but damn, isn't the journey worth it and beautiful. thank you for your piece <3

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Ah Luciana what a lovely comment! I agree, it can feel intimidating on Substack when you see others achieving milestones and you're not there yet. I found that because it's such a supportive platform on here that it was easy to brush those feelings off and remember I'm on my own path, but that doesn't mean it doesn't cloud the way! I am so sure with a little determination and self-belief that you will absolutely make it as a writer. There's room for everyone <3

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thank you so much Ella, this community is incredibly supportive and welcoming. people here love new ideas, to read about different experiences from theirs and willing to learn and get new interests. they’re also incredibly passionate about their own niche so getting into their world feels personal and beautiful. i love this place and im sure i’ll find my place it here with or without numbers

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Such a grounded perspective on the topic. I think people are prone to comparison when they feel like their lives don't match up to what they want their ideal lifestyle to be like. I didn't know Sabrina Carpenter took a while to become famous - absolutely adore her music.

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Completely agree! It gives an unnecessary added pressure. Thank you sooo much for reading Aliena!! 🥰

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Yikes thanks for this! Comparison breeds jealousy, and jealousy is literally my WORST enemy 😭

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Thank you SO much for reading Rachel!! 💓💓

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What a beautiful post! I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately and this made me feel so seen! 😊

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Ahh Celia I'm so glad ☺️ thank you for reading <3

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wow i needed to read this today. one of the most relatable and comforting pieces i’ve read on this app, i really loved this 🫶🏼

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Oh my gosh Amy 🥹🥹 this has made my day. I'm so happy you liked it <3 <3

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Sep 13Liked by Ella

Another beautiful article Ella! I've been feeling that at the minute, since graduating it feels like a bit of a race to get a job and am constantly comparing myself to others in the same position but I need to be where my feet are and realise everything you want is on its way!

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Love you Beth 🩵🩵 I remember feeling like that vividly. It will all fall into place I promise!!! And you're doing so well

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What a perfect read on this Friday morning. I really struggled with this through my twenties – it took me a long, long time to learn to take the scenic route. We're totally overexposing ourselves to far too many lives these days, and it makes that comparison all the more rife. In the wise-ish words of Kris Jenner, you're doing great sweetie!!

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I think it’s the worst symptom of being in your 20s!! Good to know it affects us all though. I will forever picture you with a camera phone cheering me on ❤️

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Such a nice reminder to be where your feet are🫶🏻

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Thanks Bianca!!

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Loved this! The fact that no amount of blush will turn me into Sabrina Carpenter is something I’ve been struggling with lately… needed to hear this 🥲

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I know!! SO hard to accept 🥲 Thank you sooo much for reading Ellen <3 <3

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Sep 13Liked by Ella

Ella your writing is always so comforting and thoughtful, I love it!

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Awww thank you Freya! 💕

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What a perfect Sunday morning read!! I really struggled with the comparison trap in my college years and my 20s, it’s just been the last few years that I’ve started being able to gain a better perspective on things and realize that we’re all on our own timelines and that we’re all where we are meant to be!

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I’m so happy you could relate to it! Honestly the response to this one has just shown how common feeling this way is.

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