This is how I like to imagine myself writing these posts for you.

My name’s Ella and I’ve always been a chatterbox.

My texts are rarely one-liners.

My university essays were always at least 500 words over the limit.

Too much to say, and never in the right place to say it.

This is my space to blab about whatever I’m thinking, and share it with people who want to listen.

I’m a twenty-four year old trying to figure out what on earth is going on, and why there was no GCSE in how to navigate your twenties. I mean, blimey, what a shock to the system. Tax, motorways and casseroles?! How do I clean a microwave?

I’m struggling a bit with this section to be honest because it feels like when you start a new class and the teacher makes you go round in a circle and tell everyone a “fun fact” about yourself.

✨“Fun Facts” About Me✨

  • I am a rom-com junkie. My favourite one changes frequently, but at the time of writing it’s Maid in Manhattan. And 13 Going on 30. Also The Holiday.

  • I love pasta! All shapes and sauces - no discriminating here.

  • Claudia Winkleman is my hero.

  • My dissertation was about what Love Island can teach us about Shakespeare.

  • My first concert was Taylor Swift on the Speak Now tour when I was 10. This is my claim to fame!! I was so overwhelmed by her presence, however, that I had to sit down while my Dad told me to breathe in and out slowly. I’m sure I would react in the same way today.

Here is where I’ll leak my inner monologue. Maybe there will be some room for cake on here too. Have a look at some of the articles and see if they float your boat. Subscribe, if you like! 🍰💌

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A twenty-something trying to put a positive spin on things, spilling my inner monologue one newsletter at a time. Join the fun!


Chronic over-thinker, thinking out loud.